1891 public laws – Ch.540 Sec.3


The chapter text below is provided for context. Scroll down to see the text of the law.

CHAPTER 540 An act to renew and extend the charter of the Petersburg Railroad Company. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact :

The said Petersburg Railroad Company shall be subject to all the restrictions imposed by the general laws of this state, and to all the privileges given by the same, as to railroad companies or other corporations, anything in its charter of incorporation to the contrary notwithstanding : Provided, that this charter is granted and accepted upon the express condition and understanding that if said Petersburg Railroad Company shall fail to begin within twelve -12 months and complete within twenty-four months the rebuilding of the Greenville and Roanoke Railroad from the junction at Summit in Northampton county, which was chartered in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, then the said Petersburg Railroad Company is to relinquish and forfeit all right or claim to the franchise, right-of-way, road-bed and other appurtenances attached thereto of the said Greenville and Roanoke Railroad Company, and any person or corporation shall be at liberty, so far as the said Petersburg Railroad Company is concerned, to construct, build and operate a railroad in the old roadbed of said Greenville and Roanoke Railroad Company.

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